Friday, October 4, 2019

Govierment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Govierment - Essay Example One of the primary roles of the government is to promote the welfare of its people. Under capitalism, however, this role is under jeopardy due to market freedom. When it comes to socialism, the government plays an active role in influencing major activities that influence social welfare. Even though the society has limited choices to make, the government extends access to basic needs to the entire society. The opposite of this idea is evident in capitalism. In conclusion, there is need for government intervention in production and consumption matters. In general, producers are profit-driven and they strive to sell at the highest market prices possible. Under socialism, government intervention tames consumer exploitation and subsequently collaborates with industry stakeholders in enhancing societal growth and development. Finally, socialism exhibits equitable distribution of wealth and resources, while capitalism promotes social

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