Monday, December 30, 2019

Islamophobia Essays - 1853 Words

Hurricane Katrina pounded the Gulf Coast with tremendous force at daybreak, August 29, 2005, severely punishing regions that included the city of New Orleans and its neighboring state Mississippi. Resulting in a total of just over 1700 people killed, and hundreds of thousands missing. When we think of Hurricane Katrina stories, we think of stories that were published by the media such as, â€Å"Packing 145-mile-an-hour winds as it made landfall, the category 3 storm left more than a million people in three states without power and submerged highways even hundreds of miles from its center. The hurricanes storm surge a 29-foot wall of water pushed ashore when the hurricane struck the Gulf Coast was the highest ever measured in the United States.†¦show more content†¦During the crisis of Hurricane Katrina many survivors experience forces far beyond natural causes, some may call this animosity. In response to the increasingly desperate survivors search for food and water, the government has issued a defacto martial law, with soldiers and police enforcing a â€Å"shoot to kill† policy, forcing the entire New Orleans area to descend into chaos. Disturb by this atrocious outcome, Egger describes these actions as â€Å"a legacy of the war on terror, has the mentality that an overwhelming military response was the solution to a humanitarian crisis† (Egger 125) as he shines light on the inhumane behavior of the United States government. Research shows that many government officials and contractors had been sent into New Orleans to re-establish order, and help evacuate survivors, but for most survivors that was not the case. As stated by Eggers, long time Muslim New Orleans resident Zeitoun, was forced out his home by government officials with guns and was threatened to be shot even after he showed his I.D. confirming he is a United States Citizen and a New Orleans resident. Egger gives us a brief taste of government animosity, as Zeitoun arrived on dry land, and was immediately handcuffed and thrown in a white van. As seen in the evidence above, we begin to see the transition Egger is making to expose his point of view that this is no different from a typical KatrinaShow MoreRelatedIs Islamophobia a Form of Racism?2354 Words   |  10 PagesIs Islamophobia a Form of Racism: Islamophobia is a newly coined term that is used to describe the growing fear of Muslims or specific groups that are considered to be associated with Islam. As a new term, the validity of Islamophobia is still a subject of huge debate even as its causes and characteristics are also controversial. This term was coined to refer to the events in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in light of people’s attitudes towards Muslims and those associated with Islam. 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It has become a novel â€Å"form of racism in Europe and American based on discrimination towards Islam and Muslims† (Talal, n.d., p. 6). The term Islamophobia was coined by the Runnymede Trust that is based in the UK in order to describeRead MoreIslamophobia Is Well And Alive870 Words   |  4 PagesIslamophobia is well and alive in the United States of America. Many people would argue that Islamophobia is non-existent and a myth. It would be wonderful if it was indeed pure fiction. Sadly, this is a concern that is evident not only here in the U.S. but places around the world as well. Places such as France, the United Kingdom, and even Latin America. Whether one chooses to admit it to themselves or not, the fact is that there is a fear towards Muslims in this country and it is detrimental. Read MoreRacism, Islamophobia And Terrorism Essay706 Words   |  3 PagesI am here to talk to you about the amount of racism, Islamophobia and terrorism there is in the world. 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