Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Millers Attempt to Quiet the Knight Essay - 1435 Words

In Chaucers Canterbury Tales a storytelling competition is proposed by the Host. In his mind, it was only proper for the Knight to tell his story first. The sneaky Host rigged the drawing of straws and the Knight won the honor of going first. He told a Roman Epic of loyalty and love, set in classical antiquity that portrayed his gallant manner and elevated social class. The Millers Tale, a parody of the Knights Tale, came next. The Millers Tale was more contemporary and left out many of the ideals that were displayed by the characters in the Knights Tale. This fabliau told by the Miller seemed to debase the Knights Tale and also to debase the Knight himself. Although the Knight and Millers Tales are very similar, it is†¦show more content†¦Wel koude he stelen corn and tollen thries; And yet he hadde a thombe of gold, pardee (560-563). Both characters were introduced in the General Prologue, and the tales they went on to share with the others supported the reputation they developed in the introduction to the Canterbury Tales. The Knight and the Millers Tale both represented each of their characters and personalities of the social class in which they occupied. The Knights Tale describes an act of courtly love, or fin amors, which only a truly dignified person could experience. This act of love was a way of living life to its fullest. Someone who is refined and worthy of feeling this love would do anything or give anything to not let that love go unrequited It is something that is truly cherished: Love is a gretter lawe, by my pan, Than may be yeve to any erthely man (1165-1166). The Knight reveals this love in his tale through two noble soldiers, Arcite and Palamon, who have an unconditional love for the pristine Lady Emily: The fresshe beautee sleeth me sodeynly, Of hire that rometh in the yonder place; And but I have hir mercy and hir grace, That I may seen hire atte leeste weye, I nam but deed; ther nis namoore to seye (1118-1122). This love triangle brings the two men into battle for her hand. Each of the men turned to their god, Arcite praying to win the battle and Palamon praying to letShow MoreRelated Summary and Analysis of The Millers Tale Essay1370 Words   |  6 PagesSummary and Analysis of The Millers Tale When the Knight had finished, everybody decided that he had told a noble story. The drunken Miller claims that he has a tale as noble as the one the Knight had told. The host tried to quiet the Miller, but he demanded to speak. He claims that he will tell the tale of a carpenter and his wife. His tale will be one of infidelity. 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